Coreldraw X8: The Ofc Guide (Edition 12)(Paperback
書城編號: 1274557

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出版社: McGraw Hill
出版日期: 2017
尺寸: 231x187x33mm
重量: 0.95 kg
ISBN: 9781259860201
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The Corel-Authorized Guide to CorelDRAW(R)--Updated for CorelDRAW X8

This thoroughly revised guide offers complete coverage of CorelDraw X8, including the revamped interface and brand-new features. CorelDRAW X8: The Official Guide shows anyone--from a beginner to an experienced illustrator--how to create top-drawer commercial graphics and exquisite artwork. You will learn to draw photorealistic illustrations, use shortcuts to create complex art, lay out text like a pro, add special effects, and transform 2D objects into 3D graphics. The book features tips for printing high-quality work that matches what you've designed on your monitor.

- Work in the customizable interface redesigned to reflect Windows(R) Metro style
- Explore and understand the software's menus, palettes, and dockers
- Lay out brochures, flyers, and other multi-page documents
- Add paragraph, artistic, and custom-shaped text to your designs
- Search the Content Exchange for fonts, vector patterns, background designs, and the Get More docker
- Use the Perspective, Extrude, Smear, Twirl, Attract, Repel, and Distortion tools
- Incorporate lens effects, transparency, shadows, glows, and bevels
- Put all the elements together in a professional, visually compelling way with layout and design tips from the author

BOUTON 作者作品表

Coreldraw X8: The Ofc Guide (Edition 12)(Paperback

Surviving and Changing the Culture of White, Patriarchal Higher Education: Personal Essays of Struggle and Hope (Paperback)

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