eBook: Financial and Management Accounting: An Introduction (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Pauline Weetman, Darren Jubb 
分類: Finance & accounting ,
Financial accounting ,
Management accounting & bookkeeping  
書城編號: 28174580

原價: HK$572.00
現售: HK$543.4 節省: HK$28.6

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製造商: Pearson Education
出版日期: 2024/05/15
ISBN: 9781292725345
>> 相關實體書

Shape your critical understanding of the 'why' behind the 'how' in Financial and Management Accounting. Financial & Management Accounting: An Introduction, 9th edition, is a well-respected text written by experts drawing on many years of experience in teaching Accounting. Ideal for undergraduate students in Business and Accounting courses, this revised edition provides new material on the relationship between corporate reporting and sustainability issues, including climate reporting. At the same time, the book retains all the features that have contributed to its popularity: focus on the accounting equations, extensive use of real-world case studies, a clear and accessible writing style, a wide range of student activities throughout each chapter, and a unique running case study applying accounting principles to a services company. Key features include: A discussion on sustainability and climate reporting with greater commitment to lower carbon use, and how international organisations have influenced corporate reporting in these areas Revised structure for flexible learning to suit your chosen study route Definitions and terminology aligned with the Conceptual Framework Thoroughly revised content to reflect regulatory changes, including the transition to the Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA) Chapter case studies illustrating key ideas in the book and featuring a variety of well-known companies and organisations A range of activities throughout each chapter to help you consider issues from different viewpoints A large body of end-of-chapter questions to test your understanding of the essentials and go further by applying knowledge to realistic scenarios. With a strong focus on the 2018 Conceptual Framework of the International Accounting Standards Board, this textbook guides you in understanding the &"why" and not just the "how" of financial and management accounting.
Pauline Weetman 作者作品表

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