eBook: War Against Marxism: Reification and Revolution (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: McKenna Tony McKenna 
分類: Social & political philosophy ,
History of ideas ,
Marxism & Communism  
書城編號: 20951212

售價: $281.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2021/05/06
頁數: 280
ISBN: 9781350201439
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Marxism has provided the ideological impetus to liberation movements, radical struggles and revolutions across the world. But in the 20th century, the emancipatory and democratic power of its thought has often been distorted and overridden by various Stalinist dictatorships which claimed to be acting in its name. A similar undermining of freedom of thought has been accomplished at an intellectual level; various schools have transformed Marxist thought in line with some of the most fashionable but gentrified forms of contemporary philosophy, shifting the focus from the democratic power of the masses and their ability to challenge the capitalist order to concentrate on superstar thinkers and elite theories.The War Against Marxism traces the war against Marxism which, paradoxically, has been conducted in the name of Marxism itself. As such it provides a fiery philosophical and polemical indictment of so-called 'Marxists' such as Adorno, Horkheimer, Althusser, Jameson, Eagleton, Mouffe, Laclau and Zizek and asks what can be done to stem this counterrevolution.
McKenna Tony McKenna 作者作品表

eBook: War Against Marxism: Reification and Revolution (DRM PDF)

eBook: War Against Marxism: Reification and Revolution (DRM EPUB)

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