Revive: Declarations of God's Truth to Renew Your Spirit (Hardcover)
作者: Cleere Cherry Reaves 
分類: Christian life & practice  
書城編號: 26194709

原價: HK$154.00
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出版社: Thomas Nelson Pub
出版日期: 2024/03/12
ISBN: 9781400242191
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Replenish your soul as you let declarations of God's truth wash over your weary heart.

Do you feel tired? Discouraged? Does life sometimes seem out of control? Amid these moments, it can be difficult to embrace the fullness of life God promises in Him. In Revive, popular author, speaker, and podcast host Cleere Cherry Reaves helps you reclaim God's unchanging truth--for you and for your life.

In 52 weeks of devotions, Cleere takes you on a journey to reclaim a spirit of truth all year long through Scripture, biblical declarations, and prayers to reconnect you to the joy and hope God longs for you to know. Join Cleere as you immerse yourself in God's truth and recover the fullness of life that only Jesus offers.

Each week you'll find:

  • A Bible verse for meditation
  • A short devotional reading to breathe life into your soul
  • Five declarations of truth to bolster your faith and remind you of God's promises

As you take this yearlong journey, Cleere calls you to:

  • Replenish your soul through rest and prayer, knowing that God always provides
  • Renew the way you see the world as you adopt a heavenly perspective
  • Refresh your vision to see others with the compassionate eyes of Jesus
  • Rejoice in the assurance that God is working all things together for good

This eye-catching devotional is an excellent gift for friends and loved ones going into the new year, for Mother's Day, for birthdays, and more.

Revive will help you connect once again with who God designed you to be as you receive and speak His words of life and joy over your life every day of the year.

Cleere Cherry Reaves 作者作品表

eBook: Revive: Declarations of God's Truth to Renew Your Spirit (DRM PDF)

eBook: Revive: Declarations of God's Truth to Renew Your Spirit (DRM EPUB)

Unfiltered (Paperback)

Revive: Declarations of God's Truth to Renew Your Spirit (Hardcover)

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