Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside-Down (Paperback)
作者: David Jeremiah 
分類: Christianity ,
Christian life & practice ,
Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works ,
Christian social thought & activity ,
Christian mission & evangelism  
書城編號: 27724659

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Thomas Nelson Pub
出版日期: 2024/05/14
ISBN: 9781400345779
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Will you finish the race strong? Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblically based keys to keeping your faith steadfast when life hits you hard. Regardless of the circumstances, God will hold you up to help you face whatever comes your way.

Every day, everyone in the world faces challenging moments and circumstances. Perhaps in your marriage. Your career. Your health. Your personal integrity. When times get tough, people often ask, "Why is this happening to me?" If you're feeling vulnerable during a difficult time in your life, it is important to embrace your faith and the everlasting love of God. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." Keeping the faith, even for someone like Paul, meant not giving in to the world's relentless influence. That's what you must do as well.

In Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside Down, New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah:

  • provides you with a practical guide to leaning on the strength of your faith, even in the toughest of times.
  • focuses on four common daily battles that can chip away at your confidence in God: fear, discouragement, worry, and doubt.
  • explores four blessings that are sure to bolster your faith when inevitable challenges come: grace, perseverance, responsibility, and fortitude.

The uplifting messages of encouragement and strength in Keep the Faith are curated from Dr. Jeremiah's books Slaying the Giants in Your Life, Captured by Grace, Everything You Need, Searching for Heaven on Earth, and A Bend in the Road.

David Jeremiah 作者作品表

60 Days of Bible Prophecies: The Truth Behind End-Time Warnings (Paperback)

The Whole Story: A 52-Week Devotional Journey Through Every Book of the Bible (Hardcover)

The Coming Golden Age: 31 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready (Hardcover)

The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready (Paperback)

Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside-Down (Paperback)

Experience Egypt: Detailed Personal Experience on my Journey to Egypt (Paperback)

Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World (Hardcover)

The World of the End: How Jesus' Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities (Paperback)

The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready (Hardcover)

Experience Croatia: Journey through a Mediterranean Wonderland (Paperback)

Experience Portugal: Unveiling Portugal's timeless treasures (Paperback)

生命的标志 Signs of Life (Paperback)

Croatia Travel 2023: Exploring Croatia: An unforgettable journey through Europe's undiscovered Gem (Paperback)

Thailand Smart Travel Guide 2023: Travel Tips for Tourist (Paperback)

Profecía: Preguntas Y Respuestas (Paperback)

The World of the End: How Jesus' Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities (MP3 CD)

The World of the End: How Jesus' Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities (Compact Disc)

After the Rapture: An End Times Guide to Survival (MP3 CD)

After the Rapture: An End Times Guide to Survival (Compact Disc)

eBook: Why the Nativity? (DRM EPUB)

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