The Storyteller's Daughter: A Retelling of "the Arabian Nights" (Mass Market Paperbound)
作者: Cameron Dokey 
書城編號: 11199202

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Simon Pulse
出版日期: 2007/03/06
重量: 0.11 kg
ISBN: 9781416937760
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In a faraway kingdom, a king has been betrayed. Deeply hurt and bitterly angry, he vows never to be deceived again. Unfortunately, the king's plan to protect himself will endanger all of the realm's young women, unless one of them will volunteer to marry the king -- and surrender her life.

To everyone's relief and horror, one young woman steps forward. The daughter of a legendary storyteller, Shahrazad believes it is her destiny to accept this risk and sacrifice herself.

On the night of her wedding to the king, Shahrazad begins to weave a tale. Fascinated, the king lets her live night after night. Just when Shahrazad dares to believe that she has found a way to keep her life -- and an unexpected love -- a treacherous plot will disrupt her plan. Now she can only hope that love is strong enough to save her.

Cameron Dokey 作者作品表

eBook: Here Be Monsters (DRM EPUB)

Belle (Paperback)

Once Again: Snow; Beauty Sleep (Bind-Up) (paperback)

eBook: Kissed: Belle; Sunlight and Shadow; Winter's Child (DRM EPUB)

eBook: How Not to Spend Your Senior Year (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Once: Before Midnight; Golden; Wild Orchid (DRM EPUB)

Once: Before Midnight; Golden; Wild Orchid (paperback)

eBook: Sunlight and Shadow (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Golden (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Before Midnight: A Cinderella Story (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wild Orchid: A Retelling of "The Ballad of Mulan" (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Beauty Sleep (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Storyteller's Daughter: A Retelling of "The Arabian Nights" (DRM EPUB)

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