The Making It Guide to Crafting (Paperback)
作者: Creators of Making It 
書城編號: 11228912

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Abrams
出版日期: 2020/04/21
重量: 0.82 kg
ISBN: 9781419743481
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A compendium of crafting inspiration and instruction from the creators of ABC's competition series Making It

--featuring twenty-five projects.

With the all-star duo of Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman leading the way with puns, advice, and good vibes, Making It became the competition series we didn't know we needed, stealing our hearts and encouraging our most creative ideas. Now the show's creators are at it again with this in-depth look at some of the best DIY crafts from the show and inspired by the Makers themselves.

Introductions to woodworking, fiber arts, paper crafts, and more will enable you to experiment and customize your own creations at home. And the projects are accessible to all skill levels, so you can get just as crafty as the Makers did. This crafting guide will inspire and energize you to DIY whatever you put your mind to.

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