The Split God: Pentecostalism and Critical Theory (Paperback)
作者: Nimi Wariboko 
書城編號: 11510047

售價: $350.00

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出版社: St Univ Of New York Pr
出版日期: 2019/01/02
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781438470207
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Although Pentecostalism is generally considered a conservative movement, in The Split God Nimi Wariboko shows that its operative everyday notion of God is a radical one that poses, under cover of loyalty, a challenge to orthodox Christianity. He argues that the image of God that arises out of the everyday practices of Pentecostalism is a split God--a deity harboring a radical split that not only destabilizes and prevents God himself from achieving ontological completeness but also conditions and shapes the practices and identities of Pentecostal believers. Drawing from the work of Slavoj Zizek, Jacques Lacan, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Giorgio Agamben, among others, Wariboko presents a close reading of everyday Pentecostal practices, and in doing so, uncovers and presents a sophisticated conversation between radical continental philosophy and everyday forms of spirituality. By de-particularizing Pentecostal studies and Pentecostalism, Wariboko broadens our understanding of the intellectual aspects of the global Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
Nimi Wariboko 作者作品表

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Antennae (Paperback)

eBook: Lifemaking: Political Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (DRM EPUB)

Lifemaking: Political Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (Hardcover)

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Transcripts of the Sacred in Nigeria: Beautiful, Monstrous, Ridiculous (Paperback)

eBook: Transcripts of the Sacred in Nigeria: Beautiful, Monstrous, Ridiculous (DRM EPUB)

The Split Time: Economic Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (Paperback)

eBook: Split Time: Economic Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Split Economy, The: Saint Paul Goes to Wall Street (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pentecostal Hypothesis: Christ Talks, They Decide (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pentecostal Hypothesis: Christ Talks, They Decide (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ethics and Society in Nigeria: Identity, History, Political Theory (DRM PDF)

eBook: Split God, The: Pentecostalism and Critical Theory (DRM EPUB)

Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology: Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power (paperback)

Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology: Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power (Hardcover)

eBook: Nigerian Pentecostalism (DRM PDF)

Nigerian Pentecostalism (Hardcover)

eBook: Accounting and Money for Ministerial Leadership: Key Practical and Theological Insights (DRM EPUB)

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