eBook: Global Libidinal Economy (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ilan Kapoor, Gavin Fridell, Maureen Sioh, Pieter de Vries 
分類: Social theory ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) ,
Political science & theory ,
International economics ,
Political economy  
書城編號: 27037241

售價: $454.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: State University of New York Press
出版日期: 2023/05/01
頁數: 220
ISBN: 9781438493374
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This is the first book to examine global political economy from a psychoanalytic perspective. It claims that the libidinal-the site of unconscious desire-plays not a supplementary or trivial, but a constitutive role in global political economy. Consumption, for example, is not simply a way of satisfying a material or biological need but a doomed attempt at soothing our deeply held sense of loss; and capital is not just a means to material growth and prosperity but is invested with "drive" that seduces, beguiles, and manipulates in the service of unending accumulation. Thus, in contrast to political economy, which assumes a rational subject, libidinal economy is founded on the notion of a desiring subject, who obeys a logic not of good sense or self-interest but profligacy and irrationality. By applying a psychoanalytic lens, Global Libidinal Economy thereby seeks to uncover the unconscious excesses and antagonisms emergent in such key political economy categories as "production," "trade," and "ecology," while also bringing out significant contemporary themes relating to "gender" and "race."
Ilan Kapoor 作者作品表

Global Libidinal Economy (Paperback)

Global Libidinal Economy (Hardcover)

eBook: Confronting Desire: Psychoanalysis and International Development (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Confronting Desire: Psychoanalysis and International Development (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychoanalysis and the GlObal (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychoanalysis and the GlObal (DRM EPUB)

Psychoanalysis and the GlObal (Paperback)

eBook: Celebrity Humanitarianism: The Ideology of Global Charity (DRM PDF)

eBook: Celebrity Humanitarianism: The Ideology of Global Charity (DRM EPUB)

Celebrity Humanitarianism: The Ideology of Global Charity

Celebrity Humanitarianism: The Ideology of Global Charity (Hardcover)

eBook: Postcolonial Politics of Development (DRM PDF)

eBook: Postcolonial Politics of Development (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Postcolonial Politics of Development (DRM PDF)

The Postcolonial Politics of Development (Hardcover)

Gavin Fridell 作者作品表

eBook: Coffee (DRM EPUB)

Coffee (Paperback)

Age of Icons (Paperback)

eBook: Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social Justice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social Justice (DRM EPUB)

Maureen Sioh 作者作品表

eBook: Colonial Trauma and Postcolonial Anxieties: The Haunted Choices of Economic Development (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Colonial Trauma and Postcolonial Anxieties: The Haunted Choices of Economic Development (DRM PDF)

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