eBook: Invasion of the Tearling: (The Tearling Trilogy 2) (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Erika Johansen 
系列: The Tearling Trilogy
分類: Thriller / suspense ,
Science fiction ,
Fantasy ,
書城編號: 22706388

售價: $143.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Transworld
出版日期: 2015/06/09
頁數: 576
ISBN: 9781448171156
>> 相關實體書

With each passing day, Kelsea Glynn is growing into her new responsibilities as Queen of the Tearling. By stopping the shipments of slaves to the neighbouring kingdom of Mortmesne, she crossed the Red Queen, a brutal ruler whose power derives from dark magic, who is sending her fearsome army into the Tearling to take what is hers. And nothing can stop the invasion.But as the Mort army draws ever closer, Kelsea develops a mysterious connection to a time before the Crossing, and she finds herself relying on a strange and possibly dangerous ally: a woman named Lily, fighting for her life in a world where being female can feel like a crime. The fate of the Tearling and that of Kelsea s own soul may rest with Lily and her story, but Kelsea may not have enough time to find out.In this dazzling sequel to her bestselling debut The Queen of the Tearling, Erika Johansen brings back favourite characters, including the Mace and the Red Queen, and introduces unforgettable new players, adding exciting layers to her multidimensional tale of magic, mystery and a fierce young heroine.
The Tearling Trilogy

eBook: Fate of the Tearling: (The Tearling Trilogy 3) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Invasion of the Tearling: (The Tearling Trilogy 2) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Queen Of The Tearling: (The Tearling Trilogy 1) (DRM EPUB)

Erika Johansen 作者作品表

The Kingdom of Sweets (Paperback)

The Kingdom of Sweets: A Novel of the Nutcracker (Paperback)

The Kingdom of Sweets (Hardcover)

The Kingdom of Sweets (Paperback)

The Kingdom of Sweets: A Novel of the Nutcracker (Hardcover)

eBook: Kingdom of Sweets (DRM EPUB)

Beneath the Keep: A Novel of the Tearling (Paperback)

Beneath the Keep: A Novel of the Tearling (Hardcover)

eBook: Beneath the Keep: A Novel of the Tearling (DRM EPUB)

Beneath the Keep (Paperback)

eBook: Beneath the Keep (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tear vegzete (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tear ostroma (DRM EPUB)

Fate of the Tearling (Paperback)

Fate Of The Tearling EXPORT (Paperback)

Fate of the Tearling (Hardcover)

eBook: Fate of the Tearling: (The Tearling Trilogy 3) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fate of the Tearling: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

Invasion of the Tearling (Paperback)

The Invasion of the Tearling (Unabridged ed) (Audio disc)

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