eBook: For the Love of Renovating: Tips, Tricks & Inspiration for Creating Your Dream Home (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Barry Bordelon, Jordan Slocum 
分類: Interior design, decor & style guides  
書城編號: 28176319

原價: HK$312.00
現售: HK$296.4 節省: HK$15.6

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製造商: Union Square & Co.
出版日期: 2024/06/04
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9781454949282
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For the Love of Renovatingis the inspiring, game-changing book every fixer-upper needs, whether the project is budget remodeling or a full gut renovation. Jordan and Barryaka the Brownstone Boysare the enthusiastic go-to renovation team for historic Brooklyn brownstones and other older homes that need a little TLC. In their debut book, they walk readers through the entire house renovation process, starting with things to consider before you've made an offer, followed by guidance on developing a design, a schedule, and budgeting; they end by giving a room-by-room tour that includes tips and inspiration for a successful renovation. The book also features a chapter on preserving and refurbishing historic details like wooden archways and crown moldings. Throughout the book, beautiful photos and Renovation Recipes give the ingredients and step-by-step instructions for turning the house you have into the house youll love.Unlock the potential of your vintage home with this ultimate handbook for restoring historic houses. Whether you're a new homeowner in search of DIY books to help plan home improvement projects, or are just looking for interior design books to inspire your dream home, For the Love of Renovating provides the perfect blend of gorgeous visuals and practical, hands-on advice.

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