eBook: Society of Thirteen (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gareth P. Jones 
分類: Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's / Teenage) ,
Historical fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 21257926

原價: HK$104.00
現售: HK$98.8 節省: HK$5.2

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製造商: Bonnier Publishing Fiction
出版日期: 2013/10/03
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781471400568
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A lonely girl in contemporary London encounters dark magic in Victorian LondonLondon, 1891. When orphans Esther and Tom are caught stealing by Lord Ringmore, little do they realise the peril they are in. Rather than hand them over to the police, the lord employs the children. But what does he really want with them?Blackwood is a man obsessed. He has devoted his life to unearthing the roots of magic. Tormented by the thought of death he knows that only real magic can overcome mortality. He has in his possession a book that contains the secret of true magic, but he cannot unlock its meaning alone. Only Tom and Esther can help him unravel its terrible and dangerous secrets... London, 2013, and a young girl called Amy is about to turn thirteen. She is never happier than in a graveyard where, one day, she notices a gravestone named only 'Esther' with a magpie perched above it who speaks to her. He is called Tom!A spine-chilling tale of magic and illusion, and an induction into the world of sorcery both fair and shady - so beware!
Gareth P. Jones 作者作品表

My One and Only Piece of Hand Luggage (Paperback)

Solve Your Own Mystery: The Transylvanian Express (Paperback)

El Gran Robo del Tiempo / Solve Your Own Mystery: The Time Thief (Hardcover)

La Máquina Tejemonstruos / Solve Your Own Mystery: The Monster Maker (Hardcover)

Solve Your Own Mystery: The Missing Magic (Paperback)

Solve Your Own Mystery: The Time Thief (Paperback)

Solve Your Own Mystery: The Monster Maker (Paperback)

Dragon Detective: That's A Wrap! (Paperback)

eBook: Sky High! (DRM EPUB)

Dragon Detective: Sky High! (Paperback)

eBook: School's Out! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Catnapped! (DRM EPUB)

Constable & Toop (Paperback)

eBook: Reading Planet - Project Fame - Level 8: Fiction (Supernova) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Reading Planet - Project Time - Level 7: Fiction (Saturn) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Reading Planet - Project Pet - Level 6: Fiction (Jupiter) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Reading Planet - Project Grandma - Level 5: Fiction (Mars) (DRM EPUB)

Cheese from Dimension Pong (Paperback)

Attack of the Alien Dung! (Paperback)

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