eBook: Kindfulness: Be a true friend to yourself - with mindful self-compassion (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Padraig O'Morain 
分類: Self-help & personal development ,
Popular psychology ,
Complementary therapies, healing & health ,
Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation  
書城編號: 22749492

售價: $130.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Hodder & Stoughton
出版日期: 2018/06/28
ISBN: 9781473678798
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The Irish Times top 10 bestseller.Do you criticise yourself on a daily basis? Are you always comparing yourself to others? Kindfulness is there for you. This practical, uplifting guide combines the two hot topics of the moment: mindfulness and self-compassion. From the author of Mindfulness on the Go and Mindfulness for Worriers, this book teaches you how to make mindfulness your ally in everyday life, ways to accept who you are and how to lower anxiety and stress levels through a range of simple exercises. In today's chaotic world, it seems that everyone could benefit from joining the kindfulness movement.Psychotherapist Padraig O'Morain believes that through the art of self-care and ensuring that you are living in the present, you can dispel the negativity in your life. As a result of loving and accepting yourself a little bit more, you will improve your relationships with others and become a more compassionate and happier human being.'Psychologists agree that there are many real benefits - kindfulness can reduce depression and anxiety, improve relationships and leave you able to pursue your goals.' - Stella Magazine, The Telegraph'Being kind to yourself is therapy for the soul.' - The Independent
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