Accused (Hardcover)
作者: Willow Winsham 
分類: True stories: discovery / historical / scientific ,
British & Irish history ,
Social & cultural history ,
書城編號: 1141979

原價: HK$350.00
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出版日期: 2016/08/18
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781473850033
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The image of the witch - crook-nosed, unpleasant of disposition and with a penchant for harming her neighbors - is well established in the popular imagination. For hundreds of years the accusation of witchcraft has been levelld against women throughout the British Isles: such women were feared, persecuted, revered and reviled, with many ending their journeys at the stake or noose. Far from a mass of pitiable, faceless victims however, each case tells its own story, with a distinct woman at its heart, spanning the centuries down to the present.

What did it really mean to be accused as a witch? Why, and by whom, were such accusations made? Was it possible to survive, and what awaited those who did? Prepare to delve into the captivating history of witchcraft with an in-depth exploration of some of the most fascinating and notorious women accused of being witches from across the British Isles. On a journey from 14th century Ireland to 20th century Hampshire, Accused examines the why, the how, and, most importantly, the who of these tantalizing and evocative cases.

Using trial documents, contemporary pamphlets, church and census records and a wealth of other sources, eleven accused women are brought to life in a biographical approach that will take the reader back in time. Meticulously researched and skillfully and painstakingly woven, this book will be indispensable to anyone with an interest in the popular topic of the history of witchcraft and a love of fascinating and diverse individuals. Setting each of the "accused" in their social and historical context, Willow Winsham delivers a fresh and revealing look at her subjects, bringing her unique style and passion for detail to this captivating read.

Willow Winsham 作者作品表

The Story of Witches: Folklore, History and Superstition (Hardcover)

Treasury of Folklore: Stars and Skies (Hardcover)

eBook: Magpies & Red Skies: The enchanting origins of 100 superstitions (DRM EPUB)

England's Witchcraft Trials (Paperback)

eBook: England's Witchcraft Trials (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Accused: British Witches throughout History (DRM EPUB)

Accused (Hardcover)

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