eBook: Maverick: George Weidenfeld and the Golden Age of Publishing (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Thomas Harding 
分類: Biography: general ,
Biography: literary ,
Publishing industry & book trade  
書城編號: 27041453

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Orion
出版日期: 2023/08/31
ISBN: 9781474621113
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Born into a Jewish family in Vienna in 1919, George Weidenfeld fled to England in 1938 to escape the Nazi regime. There he began a career in publishing that would make him one of the most influential figures in the industry. Over the course of his long and illustrious career he championed some of the most important voices of the twentieth century, from Vladimir Nabokov, Mary McCarthy and Saul Bellow to Harold Wilson, Isaiah Berlin and Henry Kissinger.But what do we know about the man himself? Was he, as described by some, the 'greatest salesperson', 'the world's best networker', 'the publisher's publisher' and 'a great intellectual'? Was his lifelong effort to be the world's most famous host a cover for his desperate loneliness? Who, in fact, was the real George Weidenfeld and how did he rise so successfully within the ranks of London and New York society? Providing a full, unvarnished and at times difficult history of this complex man, this first biography of a titan of culture is also a story of resilience, determination and the power of ideas to shape history.
Thomas Harding 作者作品表

The Einstein Vendetta: Hitler, Mussolini, and a true story of murder (Hardcover)

The House on the Canal: The Story of the House that Hid Anne Frank (Hardcover)

The Maverick: George Weidenfeld and the Golden Age of Publishing (Paperback)

eBook: Weie Schuld (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Maverick: George Weidenfeld and the Golden Age of Publishing (DRM EPUB)

The Maverick: George Weidenfeld and the Golden Age of Publishing (Hardcover)


White Debt: The Demerara Uprising and Britain's Legacy of Slavery (Paperback)

White Debt: The Demerara Uprising and Britain's Legacy of Slavery (Hardcover)

White Debt (Paperback)

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The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History (Paperback)

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Legacy (Hardcover)

eBook: Legacy: One Family, a Cup of Tea and the Company that Took On the World (DRM EPUB)

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