Never Enough: Confessions of a Capricious Collector (Paperback)
作者: John E. Burke Phd 
書城編號: 12053904

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Iuniverse Inc
出版日期: 2015/08/21
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9781491772874
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From a basic Boy Scout knife and other simple pocketknives to rare Persian rugs, and from a strong interest in historic American clay jugs to fine Asian jade pieces, author Dr. John E. Burke has collected it all. In Never Enough, he describes his life journey through collecting, and at the same time explores why man is a collecting species.

This memoir offers a look inside the mind of a passionate, knowledgeable collector as he discusses his progression from a curious neophyte to a proficient, expert collector in each of his eight domains. Burke walks through the stages of how to gain knowledge and experience and how he personally mastered each of his collections. He narrates how he became a collector of antiques and explains his passion for the objects he collects.

Offering a useful introduction to collecting. Never Enough focuses on Burke's personal aspects of collecting including his own motivations and those of other collectors, and, ultimately, the meaning and satisfaction of collecting.

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