Hiking Pinnacles National Park: A Guide to the Park's Greatest Hiking Adventures (Paperback)
作者: Linda Mullally 
分類: Walking, hiking, trekking ,
書城編號: 12078761

原價: HK$230.00
現售: HK$218.5 節省: HK$11.5

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出版社: Globe Pequot Pr
出版日期: 2015/03/15
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781493000098
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Hiking Pinnacles National Park features the best hiking throughout the nation's newest national park. With detailed maps and trail descriptions, navigating these wonderful trails is made easy. Featuring hikes of varying legnth and difficulty, it's the perfect tool for day hikers, families, and local outdoors people looking to explore Pinnacles National Park. In addition to information on the trails themselves, this guide includes stunning full-color photos, GPS coordinates, as well as a section on regional attractions, lodging and dining, and other noteworthy public lands well-suited for outdoor adventure. It is also filled with useful information on the area's history, geology, fauna, flora, and park amenities such as shuttle service, developed picnic areas, camping, general store, and visitor centers.

Look inside to find:
  • Hikes suited to every ability
  • Mile-by-mile directional cues
  • Difficulty ratings, trail contacts, fees/permits, and best hiking seasons
  • Invaluable trip-planning information, including local lodging and campgrounds
  • Full-color photos throughout
  • GPS coordinates
Linda Mullally 作者作品表

Coastal Trails of Northern California (Paperback)

Best Dog Hikes Southern California (Paperback)

Best Easy Day Hikes Pinnacles National Park (Paperback)

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