Behind Bars: True Crime Stories of Whiskey Heists, Beer Bandits, and Fake Million-Dollar Wines (Paperback)
作者: Mike Gerrard 
分類: True crime ,
Organized crime ,
Alcoholic beverages  
書城編號: 28124715

原價: HK$230.00
現售: HK$218.5 節省: HK$11.5

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出版社: Prometheus Bks
出版日期: 2024/10/08
ISBN: 9781493084418
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Behind Bars is filled with stories both ancient and urgent of what happens when alcohol meets crime, from illicit stills in the Scottish Highlands to moonshine in the USA, rum smuggled by Caribbean pirates to the roaring times of Prohibition, current-day gangs selling millions of dollars' worth of fake Bordeaux, and the often-unsolved cases of people walking into a liquor store, stealing whiskey bottles worth tens of thousands of dollars, and walking out, never to be seen again.

Award-winning travel and drinks writer Mike Gerrard takes readers on a centuries-long journey highlighting the most bizarre - and expensive - alcohol-related crimes all while revealing the inside world of spirits, how they have been distilled, legislated, imbibed, and infused into our culture for hundreds of years. Featuring colorful tangents and detailed appendices, Behind Bars will whet the whistle of any curious reader. Spanning the stories of ancient wine swindlers in Pompeii to the modern radiocarbon-dating techniques used by today's cutting-edge scientists to investigate suspect bottles of expensive alcohol, from million-dollar robberies of wine cellars buried deep underground to whiskey rings surrounding the highest reaches of the Presidency, Gerrard smartly and swiftly reveals that the link between alcohol and crime is a never-ending story.

Mike Gerrard 作者作品表

eBook: Behind Bars: True Crime Stories of Whiskey Heists, Beer Bandits, and Fake Million-Dollar Wines (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Behind Bars: True Crime Stories of Whiskey Heists, Beer Bandits, and Fake Million-Dollar Wines (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cask Strength (DRM EPUB)

Cask Strength: The Story of the Barrel, the Secret Ingredient in Your Drink (MP3 CD)

Cask Strength: The Story of the Barrel, the Secret Ingredient in Your Drink (Compact Disc)

National Geographic Traveler: Greece, 5th Edition (Hardcover)

Globetrotter Travel Pack - Corfu (Paperback)

National Geographic Traveler: Greece (Paperback)

Traveller's Atlas (Paperback)

Bloom's Literary Guide to Paris (Paperback)

Essential Athens (Paperback)

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