501 German Verbs, Seventh Edition (0007) (Paperback)
作者: Henry Strutz 
分類: Language self-study texts ,
Reference works ,
書城編號: 27973334

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: Barrons Education Series
出版日期: 2024/08/06
ISBN: 9781506293608
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Choose Barron's for language learning-a trusted resource for over 50 years!
This edition of 501 German Verbs provides language learners with fingertip access to a carefully curated selection of the 501 most common German verbs-in all tenses and moods! Each verb is listed alphabetically in chart form-one verb per page along with its English translation. Follow the clear, concise instruction, then take your language fluency to the next level with an online activity center.

This comprehensive guide also includes:

  • Updated example sentences for every verb accompanied by the English translation
  • The popular 55 Essential Verbs feature, with an in-depth look at usage and formation for the trickiest German verbs
  • Hundreds of verb practice drills with detailed answer explanations
  • Numerous reference sections, including an explanation of German pronunciation, special verb uses, frequently used expressions, and much more

Online content includes:
  • Audio program modeling native speaker rhythms and pronunciation
  • Four practice quizzes to help you practice German sentence completion, conversational dialogue, and word completion exercises
  • Answer explanations for all questions plus a timed test option and scoring

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entities included with the product.

Henry Strutz 作者作品表

eBook: 501 German Verbs, Seventh Edition (DRM EPUB)

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501 German Verbs (Paperback)

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