eBook: Future of the Universe (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Raman Prinja, Jan Bielecki 
分類: Science & technology: general interest (Children's / Teenage) ,
Space (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 25238883

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Hachette Children's Group
出版日期: 2022/09/08
ISBN: 9781526322258
>> 相關實體書

Experience the explosive and colourful future of the cosmos, zooming trillions of years ahead in time with Professor Raman Prinja, published in association with Royal Observatory Greenwich.The Future of the Universe starts the future clock NOW and rockets readers along a forward time line to discover what scientists predict will happen to the universe, including a shiny new ring on Mars, Earth's axis flip and a dramatic galaxy crash!This is the first book of its kind for this age - putting all the future events into one place along a clear timeline, from the return of famous comets in a few decades, to the dark end of the Universe a nonillion years from now.Professor Raman Prinja is the international, multi-award-winning Head of Department for Physics and Astronomy at University College London and a celebrated children's author of many books, including Planetarium and Wonders of the Night Sky. Illustrator Jan Bielecki's action-packed, vivid artwork plucks these astonishing phenomena out of the distant future, and explodes them on the page - sizzling red giant stars and deep, mysterious dark energy; doomed moons and trailing comets - they're all inside The Future of the Universe!Professor Prinja pens this unique look at the Universe's future as his follow-up to the definitive and exciting Wonders of the Night Sky, which introduces anyone with a patch of sky and a curious mind to exploring the marvels on display in today's Universe. The next generation of Universe explorers can easily engage with astronomy through these stunning books, no expensive equipment needed.
Raman Prinja 作者作品表


Wonders of the Night Sky (Paperback)



Wonders of the Night Sky: Astronomy Starts with Just Looking Up (Hardcover)

50 Things You Should Know about Space (Library Binding)

The Future of the Universe (Hardcover)

Wonders of the Night Sky (Hardcover)

Wow! Space (Paperback)

Planetarium Postcards (Hardcover)

Amazing Space (Hardcover)

Planetarium Junior Edition (Hardcover)

Planetarium (Hardcover)

In Focus: Space (Paperback)

50 Things You Should Know About Space (Paperback)

To the Edge of the Universe (Hardcover)

Watcher Guides: Night Sky Watcher (Paperback)

Galaxies and the Runaway Universe (Paperback)

To the Planets and Beyond (Paperback)

Spacecraft and the Journey into Space (Paperback)

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