Companion to the Anglo-Zulu War (Paperback)
作者: Ian Knight 
分類: African history ,
Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 ,
Boer Wars ,
Battles & campaigns ,
c 1800 to c 1900 ,
Republic of South Africa  
書城編號: 19311525

原價: HK$224.00
現售: HK$212.8 節省: HK$11.2

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出版社: Pen & Sword Military
出版日期: 2021/04/30
ISBN: 9781526796622
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Comprehensive historical companion to the Anglo-Zulu War, making this an essential reference work covering an extraordinary campaign.

The Anglo-Zulu War was a defining episode in British imperial history, and it is still a subject of intense interest. The Zulu victory at Isandlwana, the heroic British defense of Rorke's Drift and the eventual British triumph are among the most closely researched events of the colonial era. In this historical companion, Ian Knight, one of the foremost authorities on the war and the Zulu kingdom, provides an essential reference guide to a short, bloody campaign that had an enduring impact on the history of Britain and southern Africa. He gives succinct summaries of the issues, events, armies and individuals involved. His work is an invaluable resource for anyone who is interested in the history of the period, in the operations of the British army in southern Africa, and in the Zulu kingdom.
Ian Knight 作者作品表

Blood River 1838: The Zulu-Boer War and the Great Trek (Paperback)

eBook: Warriors in Scarlet: The Life and Times of the Last Redcoats (DRM EPUB)

Australian Bushrangers 1788-1880 (Paperback)

Boer Guerrilla vs British Mounted Soldier (Paperback)

Anatomy of the Zulu Army (Paperback)

Marching to the Drums (Paperback)

eBook: Anatomy of the Zulu Army: From Shaka to Cetshwayo, 1818-1879 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Anatomy of the Zulu Army: From Shaka to Cetshwayo, 1818-1879 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Marching to the Drums: Eyewitness Accounts of War from the Kabul Massacre to the Siege of Mafeking (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Marching to the Drums: Eyewitness Accounts of War from the Kabul Massacre to the Siege of Mafeking (DRM PDF)

British Infantryman Vs Zulu Warrior (Paperback)

New Zealand Wars, 1820-72 (Paperback)

Zulu Rising (Paperback)

eBook: Zulu Rising: The Epic Story of iSandlwana and Rorke's Drift (DRM EPUB)

Zulu Rising (Hardcover)

Maori Fortifications (Paperback)

eBook: Companion to the Anglo-Zulu War (DRM PDF)

eBook: Companion to the Anglo-Zulu War (DRM EPUB)

With His Face to the Foe: The Life and Death of Louis Napoleon, The Prince Imperial Zululand 1879 (UK ed.) (Paperback)

eBook: Brave Men's Blood: The Epic of the Zulu War, 1879 (DRM EPUB)

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