The Very British Quiz Book: How d'You Make a Proper Cup of Tea? (and 720 Other Essential Questions) (Paperback)
作者: Geoff Tibballs 
分類: Popular culture ,
Puzzles & quizzes ,
Slang & dialect humour  
書城編號: 23281163

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版社: Pop Pr
出版日期: 2020/08/13
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781529105612
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Will you be flummoxed by this Great British distraction?

Do you know queuing etiquette? Twenty-one different ways to describe rain? Then this quiz book might be just your cup of tea.

Politely challenge yourself, your family and your friends with questions on British culture, language, etiquette, of course, the weather, as well as lots of other essential, quintessential British subjects.

Each quiz comprises 21 questions and answers are based on the real results from national surveys and polls.

Hours of brain-bamboozling fun for all the family!

Geoff Tibballs 作者作品表

The Grumpy Old Gits’ Joke Book (Warning: They might die laughing) (Paperback)

The Wicked Wit of England (Paperback)

1001 One-Liners (Paperback)

Dad-isms: The Crazy Things Dads Say and Do (Paperback)

New Year, Same You (Hardcover)

eBook: Very British Quiz Book: How d you make a proper cup of tea? (and 720 other essential questions) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I Wish I Hadn't Said That: Over 3,000 Famous Foot-in-Mouth Moments (DRM EPUB)

I Wish I Hadnt Said That (paperback)

Brain Dump (Hardcover)

eBook: Brain Dump: Become a Genius on the Loo (DRM EPUB)

Wicked Wit of England (Hardcover)

eBook: Cockney Rhyming Slang Dictionary (DRM EPUB)

Cockney Rhyming Slang Dictionary (Paperback)

Just Like Dad Says (Paperback)

Are You a Grumpy Old Git? Quiz Book (Hardcover)

Senior Moments Activity Book (Paperback)

World's 100 Weirdest Museums (Paperback)

eBook: Mammoth Book of New Comic Quotes: Over 3,500 modern gems of wit and wisdom from TV, films and stand-up (DRM EPUB)

Mammoth Book of New Comic Quotes (Paperback)

eBook: World's 100 Weirdest Sporting Events: From Gravy Wrestling in Lancashire to Wife Carrying in Finland (DRM EPUB)

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