Universal Hunks: A Pictorial History of Muscular Men Around the World, 1895-1975 (Paperback)
作者: David L. Chapman 
書城編號: 13147457

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: Arsenal Pulp Press
出版日期: 2013/11/19
重量: 0.86 kg
ISBN: 9781551525099
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Over the last one hundred years, the image of the muscular man has known no boundaries; it has been the object of envy and desire, and used to convey optimal health and fitness, product appeal, political power, and military might. Universal Hunks, David L. Chapman's follow-up to American Hunks, is a captivating collection of historical images of muscular men from around the world, beginning in the nineteenth century and continuing up until the 1970s, including photographs, posters, advertisements, magazine and comic book covers, and product packaging. The book considers the eroticized, politicized, and commercialized male image through history, and evaluates its fascinating cultural context by country and continent; culled from the author's personal collections, it includes materials never published before, including images of Asian bodybuilders, European comic-book superheroes, and muscleman posters from the Soviet Union. The book also includes a foreword by cultural and sports historian Douglas Brown.

Full-color throughout, Universal Hunks is a thought-provoking and sexy visual tour of musclemen from all parts of the globe.

David L. Chapman is the author of twelve books on male photography and bodybuilding, including American Hunks, Comin' at Ya : The Homoerotic 3D Photographs of Denny Denfield, and Adonis: The Male Physique Pin-up, as well as the book Venus with Biceps: A Pictorial History of Muscular Women.

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