Straight to the Head (Paperback)
作者: Fraser Nixon 
書城編號: 13147496

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Arsenal Pulp Press
出版日期: 2016/06/07
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9781551526386
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In this fast and furious crime novel set in 1983, a sex worker named Irina absconds with a shipment of drugs and $300,000 in dirty money, setting into motion a wild chain reaction involving bounty hunters, corrupt cops, low-brow scammers, and her bewildered, straight-laced ex-husband. Add to this devil's brew the intoxicating settings of sushi bars, nightclubs, and New Wave art galleries circa the mid-eighties, and you get Straight to the Head: a beguiling, funny novel that blows the roof off traditional crime fiction.

Fraser Nixon is the author of The Man Who Killed, shortlisted for the Best First Novel Award.

Fraser Nixon 作者作品表

eBook: Straight to the Head (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Man Who Killed: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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