Fieldnotes on Ordinary Love (Paperback)
作者: Keith S. Wilson 
分類: Poetry  
書城編號: 13160082

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: Copper Canyon Pr
出版日期: 2019/05/21
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781556595615
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"Wilson's collection is romantic yet world-weary, bereaved yet fortified―a kindred reflection of the heart in the modern world." ―Publishers Weekly Fieldnotes on Ordinary Love is a collection whose poems approach family, politics, and romance, often through the lens of space: the vagaries of a relationship full of wonder and coldness, separation and exploration. There is the sense of the speaker as a cartographer of familiar spaces, of land he has never left or relationships that have stayed with him for years, and always with the newness of an alien or stranger. Acutely attuned to the heritage of Greco-Roman myth, Wilson writes through characters such as the Basilisk and the Minotaur, emphasizing the intense loneliness these characters experience from their uniqueness. For the racially ambiguous speaker of these poems, who is both black and not black, who has lived between the American South and the Midwest, there are no easy answers. From the fields of Kentucky to the pigeon coops of Chicago, identities and locations blur--the pastoral bleeds into the Afrofuturist, black into white and back again.
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