Training Horses the Ingrid Klimke Way (Hardcover)
作者: Ingrid Klimke 
書城編號: 1388756

原價: HK$270.00
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出版日期: 2017/06/13
尺寸: 245x180x15mm
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781570768262
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Olympic gold-medal-winner Ingrid Klimke was born under a bright star when it came to fulfilling dreams of equestrian greatness. Her father, the renowned Dr. Reiner Klimke, was an Olympic rider himself, and he instilled his principles of training and riding with the good of the horse in mind in his daughter at a young age. Ingrid has furthered her father's esteemed legacy, modernizing two of the classic works by her father--the bestselling The New Basic Training of the Young Horse and Cavalletti--and tirelessly championing a balanced, fair, and caring system of training the horse that ensures his physical and mental well-being even while preparing him for the very top levels of international competition.

And now Ingrid has written a book of her own, detailing her personal system of bringing a horse along through the stages of progressive development, and providing readers guidelines and exercises to ensure success without stress at each milestone. The result is surely a joyful partnership between rider and horse that will go the distance.

Ingrid Klimke 作者作品表

Basic Training of the Young Horse (Hardcover)

Cavalletti (Hardcover)

eBook: Training Horses the Ingrid Klimke Way: An Olympic Medalist's Winning Methods for a Joyful Riding Partnership (DRM EPUB)

Training Horses the Ingrid Klimke Way (Hardcover)

Basic Training of the Young Horse (Paperback)

Cavalletti (Hardcover)

Basic Training of the Young Horse (Paperback)

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