Born to Walk, Second Edition: Myofascial Efficiency and the Body in Movement (Paperback)
作者: James Earls 
書城編號: 13421772

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: North Atlantic Books
出版日期: 2020/06/23
重量: 0.72 kg
ISBN: 9781623174439
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Understand the complexity of movement in this revised edition of the definitive guide to the physiology and mechanics of upright walking--now updated with 50% new material.

Incorporates the Anatomy Trains model of human anatomy, plus the latest science on assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and sports medicine.

The ability to walk upright on two legs is one of the major traits distinguishing us as humans, and yet the reasons for its development remain a mystery among scientists. In Born to Walk, author James Earls explores the mystery of walking's evolution by describing the complex mechanisms enabling us to be efficient in bipedal gait. Viewing the whole body as an interconnected unit, he explains how we can regain a flowing efficiency within our gait--an efficiency which is part of our natural design. Based on Thomas Myers's Anatomy Trains model of human anatomy, as well as the latest science in paleoanthropology, sports medicine, and anatomy, Earls's work demonstrates how the whole body collaborates in walking, and distills the complex actions into a simple sequence of "essential events" that engage the myofascia and utilize its full potential.

Offering a unique combination of anatomy, body reading assessment, and technique, this revised edition provides bodyworkers, physical therapists, and movement teachers with new research on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment approaches. Earls offers a convenient model for understanding the complexity of movement while gaining a deeper insight into the physiology and mechanics of the walking process. This book is designed for movement therapy practitioners, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, and bodyworkers hoping to understand gait and its mechanics. It will also appeal to anyone with an interest in evolution and movement.

James Earls 作者作品表

eBook: Functional Anatomy of Movement (DRM EPUB)

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Functional Myofascial Anatomy: Exploring Real Life Movement (Paperback)

eBook: Understanding the Human Foot (DRM EPUB)

Understanding the Human Foot: An Illustrated Guide to Form and Function for Practitioners (Paperback)

eBook: Born to Walk, Second Edition (DRM EPUB)

Born to Walk (Paperback)

Born to Walk (Paperback)

Fascial Release for Structural Balance (Paperback)

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