eBook: Echo North (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Joanna Ruth Meyer 
分類: Fantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 22786090

原價: HK$164.00
現售: HK$155.8 節省: HK$8.2

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製造商: Page Street Publishing
出版日期: 2019/01/15
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781624147166
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"Epic and engrossing. Magic pulsates through every page." -Kirkus, starred review"...a compelling, satisfying romantic adventure with metafictional undertones." -Publishers Weekly, starred review"A marvelous, enchanting tale about the power of love and stories." -Rosamund Hodge, New York Times bestselling author of Cruel Beauty "...beautifully written retelling..." - School Library JournalEcho Alkaev's safe and carefully structured world falls apart when her father leaves for the city and mysteriously disappears. Believing he is lost forever, Echo is shocked to find him half-frozen in the winter forest six months later, guarded by a strange talking wolf-the same creature who attacked her as a child. The wolf presents Echo with an ultimatum: if she lives with him for one year, he will ensure her father makes it home safely. But there is more to the wolf than Echo realizes. In his enchanted house beneath a mountain, each room must be sewn together to keep the home from unraveling, and something new and dark and strange lies behind every door. When centuries-old secrets unfold, Echo discovers a magical library full of books- turned-mirrors, and a young man named Hal who is trapped inside of them. As the year ticks by, the rooms begin to disappear and Echo must solve the mystery of the wolf's enchantment before her time is up otherwise Echo, the wolf, and Hal will be lost forever.
Joanna Ruth Meyer 作者作品表

Beneath the Haunting Sea (Paperback)

Echo North (Paperback)

eBook: Echo North (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Into the Heartless Wood (DRM EPUB)

Echo North (Paperback)

eBook: Beyond the Shadowed Earth (DRM EPUB)

Beyond the Shadowed Earth (hardcover)

Echo North (Hardcover)

eBook: Echo North (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Beneath the Haunting Sea (DRM EPUB)

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