eBook: Frommer's Italy (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Stephen Brewer, Elizabeth Heath, Stephen Keeling, Michelle Schoenung, Donald Strachan 
系列: Complete Guide
分類: Travel & holiday guides ,
Ireland ,
書城編號: 24931963

原價: HK$363.00
現售: HK$344.85 節省: HK$18.15

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製造商: Frommermedia
出版日期: 2022/05/03
ISBN: 9781628875126
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From the most trusted name in travel,Frommers Italyis a comprehensive, opinionated guidethat was completely re-researched after the pandemic lockdowns.With helpful advice and honest recommendations from Frommers expert authors, youll walk among the ancient ruins of Pompeii, float along the canals of Venice, appreciate Renaissance masterworks in Florence, explore off-the-beaten-path Puglia and livela dolce vitain Romeas well as discover timeless wonders such as the vineyards of Tuscany and cliff-top towns perched along the Amalfi Coast.Inside the guide:Full-color photos and helpful maps, including a detachable foldout mapDetailed itinerariesfor planning your trip to suit your schedule and interests (and help you avoid lines and crowds)Compelling cultural informationso that youll better understand the history, cuisine, and traditions of ItalyCandid reviewsof the best restaurants, historic sights, museums, tours, shops, and experiencesand no-punches-pulled info on the ones not worth your time and money. We also includestar ratings, so you can scan the text quickly and see which options are most appealing.Accurate, up-to-date infoon transportation, useful websites, telephone numbers, health care options and moreBudget-planning helpwith exact pricing listed, so theres never any guessing, along with ways to save money, whether youre traveling on a shoestring or in the lap of luxuryAbout Frommer's:Theres a reason Frommers has been the most trusted name in travel for more than 60 years. Arthur Frommer created the best-selling guide series in 1957 to help American servicemen fulfill their dreams of travel in Europe, and since then, we have published thousands of titles, become a household name, and helped millions upon millions of people realize their own dreams of seeing our planet. Travel is easy with Frommers.
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