Become America: Civic Sermons on Love, Responsibility, and Democracy (Hardcover)
作者: Eric Liu 
分類: Civil rights & citizenship ,
書城編號: 13470100

原價: HK$250.00
現售: HK$237.5 節省: HK$12.5

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出版社: Sasquatch Books
出版日期: 2019/05/14
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9781632172570
>> 相關電子書

A New York Times Book Review New and Noteworthy Book

This collection of 19 essays on democracy, equal justice, and citizenship "exhorts Americans to love the nation they have by becoming the nation they want" (The Washington Post).

What does it mean to be an engaged American in today's divided political landscape, and how do we restore hope in our country? In a collection of "civic sermons" delivered at gatherings around the nation, popular advocate for active citizenship Eric Liu takes on these thorny questions and provides inspiration and solace in a time of anger, fear, and dismay over the state of the Union.

Here are 19 stirring explorations of current and timeless topics about democracy, liberty, equal justice, and powerful citizenship. This book will energize you to get involved, in ways both large and small, to help rebuild a country that you're proud to call home. Become America will challenge you to rehumanize our politics and rekindle a spirit of love in civic life.

Eric Liu 作者作品表

eBook: Become America (DRM EPUB)

Imagination First (Paperback)

eBook: Accidental Asian (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Guiding Lights (DRM EPUB)

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