Bonfire of the Sanities: Reset Your Retirement Portfolio for Today's Financial Lunacy (Hardcover)
書城編號: 26599695

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: Advantage Media Group
出版日期: 2023/12/12
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9781642257274
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The year 2020 brought about dramatic changes that have impacted the U.S. and the entire world, affecting different areas of our lives from financial markets, freedoms, fuels, and the future. The retirement landscape in particular is continuously evolving, and retirement portfolios must be managed effectively to avoid losses and recognize opportunities.

Investors can no longer rely solely on computer-simulated allocations or robo-advisors that use algorithms to direct allocations. The current economic environment requires ongoing monitoring of changes to an investor's needs and the external environment.

In Bonfire of the Sanities, author and retirement advisor David Wright outlines the unfolding economic landscape and the increasing regulatory changes to teach you how to

  • identify the various paths available for retirement investments,
  • implement risk-limiting tools to protect yourself from sudden surprises,
  • recognize new initiatives or regulations early and take advantage of them,
  • control what you can and actively watch your finances, and
  • find the correct professional to oversee retirement portfolios or implement risk-limiting tools to take advantage of high-potential investments while protecting your accounts.

Investors must be vigilant to recognize shifts, more so now than ever before, and actively manage their portfolios to avoid losses and recognize opportunities.

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