eBook: Punk Ikebana: Reimagining the Art of Floral Design (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Roebuck Louesa Roebuck, Hughes Ian Hughes, Kaufmann Obi Kaufmann 
分類: Oriental art ,
Flower arranging & floral crafts ,
書城編號: 25780686

原價: HK$585.00
現售: HK$555.75 節省: HK$29.25

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出版日期: 2022/11/08
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9781647008024
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Floral designer Louesa Roebuck shows you how to make transcendent eco-luxe compositions with seasonal flora foraged from the West Coast "The way of the flowers" has been studied for centuries, but as acclaimed author, artist, and floral designer Louesa Roebuck demonstrates, one needs to understand the rules in order to bend them. In Punk Ikebana, Louesa composes stunning arrangements and installations that unite the cultural traditions and elegance of Japanese perspective with exhilarating freedom from convention. Working with seasonally foraged, gleaned, and sourced flora from various regions of California, Louesa reveals how cinematic floral sculptures can be created by embracing the abundance right outside your door. Inviting nature's often-overlooked treasures into your space means improvising in a moment of time, in a particular place. Exuberant compositions are created with what is on hand, establishing a harmonious dialogue with the flora, space, color, vessels, and textiles readily available. Aligning her deep commitment to the environment with her love of foraging, gleaning, and sourcing regionally, Louesa inspires you to cultivate your own vision and invite the wonders of the natural world into your home.

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