America in Black and White: And Why Democracy Has Failed (Paperback)
作者: Carl O. Duddersoon 
書城編號: 28951922

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Archway Pub
出版日期: 2024/03/12
重量: 0.42 kg
ISBN: 9781665757485
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In this compelling book, authors Carl O. Duddersoon, Sr. and Carl J. Duddersoon, Jr. share a personal journey fueled by intimate motivations and a growing awareness of the profound social injustices deeply ingrained in American society. Drawing on experience in the United States and comparing an upbringing in England, the authors question why race holds such pervasive influence in America.

The narrative delves into America's decline, scrutinizing internal political divisions and their impact on the nation's vulnerability to destructive forces. Key themes explored include failed leadership, questionable democracy, moral turpitude in the treatment of the Black race, and the pitfalls of affirmative action.

Ultimately, America in Black and White concludes that racism is not just ingrained but serves as the bedrock shaping almost all interactions and decisions across America. It calls for a reevaluation of voting power, urging the Black population to wield it effectively and break from blind allegiance to either political party that clearly do not represent their interests. Prepare to unveil America's chilling truths, providing a stark examination of challenges amid its downward trajectory and advocating for meaningful change.

Carl O. Duddersoon 作者作品表

America in Black and White: And Why Democracy Has Failed (Hardcover)

America in Black and White: And Why Democracy Has Failed (Paperback)

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