eBook: Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jeffrey Toobin 
分類: Biography: historical, political & military ,
Fascism & Nazism ,
書城編號: 27077235

售價: $208.00

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製造商: Simon & Schuster
出版日期: 2023/05/02
頁數: 432
ISBN: 9781668013595
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The definitive account of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the enduring legacy of Timothy McVeigh, leading to the January 6 insurrectionfrom acclaimed journalist Jeffrey Toobin.Timothy McVeigh wanted to start a movement. Speaking to his lawyers days after the Oklahoma City bombing, the Gulf War veteran expressed no regrets: killing 168 people was his patriotic duty. He cited the Declaration of Independence from memory: ';Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.' He had obsessively followed the siege of Waco and seethed at the imposition of President Bill Clinton's assault weapons ban. A self-proclaimed white separatist, he abhorred immigration and wanted women to return to traditional roles. As he watched the industrial decline of his native Buffalo, McVeigh longed for when America was great. New York Times bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin traces the dramatic history and profound legacy of Timothy McVeigh, who once declared, ';I believe there is an army out there, ready to rise up, even though I never found it.' But that doesn't mean his army wasn't there. With news-breaking reportage, Toobin details how McVeigh's principles and tactics have flourished in the decades since his death in 2001, reaching an apotheosis on January 6 when hundreds of rioters stormed the Capitol. Based on nearly a million previously unreleased tapes, photographs, and documents, including detailed communications between McVeigh and his lawyers, as well as interviews with such key figures as Bill Clinton, Homegrown reveals how the story of Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing is not only a powerful retelling of one of the great outrages of our time, but a warning for our future.
Jeffrey Toobin 作者作品表

The Pardon: Nixon, Ford and the Politics of Presidential Mercy (Hardcover)

Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism (Paperback)

Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Birth of White Extremism (Compact Disc)

Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right Wing Extremism (Hardcover)

eBook: Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism (mp3 zips)

eBook: Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism (DRM EPUB)

True Crimes and Misdemeanors (Paperback)

True Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Investigation of Donald Trump (Hardcover)

eBook: True Crimes and Misdemeanors (DRM EPUB)

A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President (Paperback)

eBook: Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Opening Arguments (DRM EPUB)

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American Heiress (Hardcover)

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Run of His Life (Paperback)

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