eBook: Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Richard Seymour 
系列: Counterblasts
分類: Biography: historical, political & military ,
Politics & government ,
Press & journalism  
書城編號: 22809851

售價: $98.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Verso
出版日期: 2013/01/28
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781781684610
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Blistering and timely interrogation of the politics and motives of an infamous ex-leftist.Irascible and forthright, Christopher Hitchens stood out as a man determined to do just that. In his younger years, a career-minded socialist, he emerged from the smoke of 9/11 a neoconservative "Marxist," an advocate of America's invasion of Iraq filled with passionate intensity. Throughout his life, he played the role of universal gadfly, whose commitment to the truth transcended the party line as well as received wisdom. But how much of this was imposture? In this highly critical study, Richard Seymour casts a cold eye over the career of the "Hitch" to uncover an intellectual trajectory determined by expediency and a fetish for power. As an orator and writer, Hitchens offered something unique and highly marketable. But for all his professed individualism, he remains a recognizable historical type-the apostate leftist. Unhitched presents a rewarding and entertaining case study, one that is also a cautionary tale for our times.

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eBook: Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work (DRM EPUB)

Richard Seymour 作者作品表

The Twittering Machine: How Capitalism Stole Our Social Life (Paperback)

eBook: La tierra desencantada: Reflexiones sobre ecosocialismo y barbarie (DRM EPUB)

Memoir of Rear-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Bart., K.C.B (Paperback)

Memoir of Rear-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Bart., K.C.B (Hardcover)

eBook: Disenchanted Earth (DRM EPUB)

The Disenchanted Earth: Reflections on Ecosocialism and Barbarism (Paperback)

eBook: twittering machine (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Twittering Machine (DRM EPUB)

Twittering Machine (Paperback)

eBook: Twittering Machine (DRM EPUB)

Memoir of Rear-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Bart., K.C.B (Paperback)

Memoir of Rear-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Bart., K.C.B (Hardcover)

Corbyn (Paperback)

eBook: Corbyn (DRM EPUB)

Corbyn (Paperback)

eBook: Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Liberal Defence of Murder (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Against Austerity: How we Can Fix the Crisis they Made (DRM PDF)

eBook: Against Austerity: How we Can Fix the Crisis they Made (DRM EPUB)

Against Austerity (Paperback)

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