The Best, Most Awful Job: Twenty Writers Talk Honestly About Motherhood (Hardcover)
作者: Katherine May (Editor) 
分類: Feminism & feminist theory ,
Child care & upbringing  
書城編號: 1655889

原價: HK$230.00
現售: HK$218.5 節省: HK$11.5

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出版社: Elliott and Thompson
出版日期: 2021/08/01
尺寸: 216x138x22mm
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781783964864
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Motherhood is life-changing. Joyful. Disorientating. Overwhelming. Intense on every level. It's the best, most awful job.

The Best, Most Awful Job brings together twenty bold and brilliant women to speak about motherhood in all its raw, heart-wrenching, gloriously impossible forms.

Overturning assumptions, breaking down myths and shattering stereotypes, these writers challenge our perceptions of what it means to be a mother - and ask you to listen.

Contributors include:

Michelle Adams (Between the Lies)
Javaria Akbar (Vice, Refinery29, Buzzfeed contributor)
Charlene Allcott (More than a Mum)
MiMi Aye (Mandalay: Recipes and Tales from a Burmesse Kitchen)
Jodi Bartle (The London Mother contributor)
Sharmila Chauhan (The Husbands)
Josie George (A Still Life: A Memoir)
Leah Hazard (The Father's Home Birth Handbook)
Joanne Limburg (The Woman Who Thought Too Much)
Katherine May (Wintering)
Susana Moreira Marques (Now and at the Hour of our Death)
Dani McClain (We Live for the We, contributor to the Nation)
Hollie McNish (Nobody Told Me: Poetry and Parenthood)
Saima Mir(Guardian contributor, It's Not about the Burqa contributor)
Carolina Alvarado Molk (New Letters contributor)
Emily Morris (My Shitty Twenties)
Jenny Parrott (Oneworld editor)
Huma Qureshi (In Spite of Oceans)
Peggy Riley (Amity & Sorrow)
Michelle Tea (Modern Tarot and Black Wave)
Tiphanie Yanique (Land of Love and Drowning)

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