eBook: Night Gardener (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Terry Fan, Eric Fan 
分類: Picture storybooks  
書城編號: 21854113

原價: HK$91.00
現售: HK$86.45 節省: HK$4.55

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製造商: Frances Lincoln Children's Books
出版日期: 2018/01/04
頁數: 40
ISBN: 9781786033710
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In the spirit of Goodnight Moon and The Curious Garden comes a stunning debut picture book filled with whimsy and creativity from brothers Terry and Eric Fan. One day, William discovers that the tree outside his window has been sculpted into a wise owl. In the following days, more topiaries appear, and each one is more beautiful than the last. Soon, Williams grey little town is full of colour and life. And though the mysterious night gardener disappears as suddenly as he appeared, William and his town are changed forever. With breathtaking illustrations and spare, sweet text, this masterpiece about enjoying the beauty of nature is sure to become an instant classic.
Terry Fan 作者作品表

Barnaby Unboxed! (Hardcover)

Lizzy and the Cloud (Hardcover)

Lizzy and the Cloud (Hardcover)

Ocean Meets Sky (Hardcover)

Night Gardener (Hardcover)

Night Gardener (Hardcover)

Eric Fan 作者作品表

Night Lunch (Paperback)

Lizzy Et Son Nuage (Hardcover)

Festin de Nuit (Hardcover)

Lizzy and the Cloud (Paperback)

Night Lunch (Hardcover)

It Fell From The Sky (Paperback)

Lizzy and the Cloud (Hardcover)

eBook: Inclusive Code: Pursuing Equity Through Computing Education (DRM EPUB)

The Inclusive Code: Pursuing Equity Through Computing Education (Paperback)

It Fell From The Sky (Hardcover)

The Barnabus Project (Hardcover)

El Proyecto Barnabus (Hardcover)

Ocean Meets Sky (Paperback)

Entre Ciel Et Mer (Hardcover)

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