Rosa Luxemburg (Paperback)
作者: Dana Mills 
分類: Biography: general  
書城編號: 14416204

原價: HK$182.00
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出版社: Reaktion Books
出版日期: 2020/09/30
ISBN: 9781789143270
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"You will meet the real Rosa here, and it's a pleasure."--Norman Lebrecht, Wall Street Journal

As an economist and political theorist, Rosa Luxemburg created a body of work that still resonates powerfully today. Born in Poland in 1871, she became a revolutionary leader in Berlin, publishing works including Reform or Revolution and The Accumulation of Capital. In this account of Luxemburg's short yet extraordinary life, Dana Mills examines Luxemburg's writings, including her own correspondence, to reveal a woman who was fierce in professional battles and loving in personal relationships. What is her legacy today, a hundred years after her assassination in Berlin in 1919 at the age of forty-seven? Luxemburg's emphasis on humanity and equality and her insistence on revolution give coherence, as this compelling biography illustrates, to a fraught life story and to her colossal economic and political legacy.

Dana Mills 作者作品表

One Woman's War: Essays Written in War, for Peace (Paperback)

eBook: Dance and politics: Moving beyond boundaries (DRM EPUB)

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