eBook: Why Fast?: The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Baumgarthuber Christine Baumgarthuber 
系列: Food Controversies
分類: Family & health ,
Popular medicine & health ,
Diets & dieting  
書城編號: 27087179

原價: HK$208.00
現售: HK$197.6 節省: HK$10.4

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製造商: Reaktion Books
出版日期: 2023/06/23
頁數: 184
ISBN: 9781789148268
>> 相關實體書

A sober engagement with the diverse meanings of intermittent fasting in human culture. Fasting from food is a controversial, dangerous, and yet utterly normal human practice. In Why Fast?, Christine Baumgarthuber engages our fascination with restrictive eating in cultural history. If fasting offers few health benefits, why do people fast? Why have we always fasted? Does fasting speak to something deep and immutable within us? Why are our bodies so well adapted to intermittent fasting? And, what might this ancient, ascetic ritual offer us today? Thoughtful and considered, Why Fast? is a sober reconsideration of a contentious practice.
Food Controversies

Why Fast?: The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating (Paperback)

eBook: Why Fast?: The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating (DRM EPUB)

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Baumgarthuber Christine Baumgarthuber 作者作品表

eBook: Why Fast?: The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fermented Foods: The History and Science of a Microbiological Wonder (DRM EPUB)

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