Reducing Gun Deaths and Injuries: A Social Marketing Approach (Hardcover)
作者: Nancy Lee 
書城編號: 27389278

原價: HK$1320.00
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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/08/16
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781804410943
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This book highlights Social Marketing strategies that have been successful in reducing gun deaths and injuries. Readers will be able to advocate for, develop, and/or implement similar strategies in their communities. Each case story includes a summary of successfully applied behavioral change theories and practices The cases are supported by literature reviews, prior research studies, and interviews with professionals working in agencies including sheriff's departments, public health, and county and city governments.

The book shows how voluntary behavior change strategies addressed towards this "wicked problem", need to be influenced by several critical components including priority audience segment profiles, a clear and specific desired behavior, barriers to change, desired benefits for change, and key motivators, including perceived social norms.

Case selection will be inspired by those that have used a Social Marketing approach, which applies proven marketing principles and techniques to create, communicate, and deliver value to influence priority audience behaviors that benefit society, as well as the individual.

Key audiences are those working in governmental agencies in positions such as communications and program management. It is also a valuable text for college and university researchers and students, on degree programs including public health, public administration, marketing, social science, psychology, and communications.

Nancy Lee 作者作品表

My Alaska! A Memoir (Hardcover)

My Alaska! A Memoir (Paperback)

Henry the Loggerhead Turtle and His Journey to the Reef (Hardcover)

eBook: My Alaska! (DRM EPUB)

Reducing Gun Deaths and Injuries: A Social Marketing Approach (Hardcover)

My Alaska! (Paperback)

Pick your flower (Paperback)

Butterfly (0002Butterfly) (Paperback)

eBook: What Hurts Going Down (DRM EPUB)

Social Marketing - International Student Edition (Paperback)

eBook: Complete Idiot's Guide to Making Metal Jewelry: A Full-Color Guide to Creating Beautiful Metal Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets, and More (DRM EP

eBook: Rainforest Worm (DRM EPUB)

Dead Girls (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Maybe You Die: The True Story of a Couple Living the All-American Nightmare (DRM EPUB)

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