eBook: 100 Top Tips - Create Great Photos Using Your Smartphone (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nick Vandome 
分類: Photographic equipment & techniques ,
Digital photography: consumer/user guides  
書城編號: 21905936

原價: HK$93.00
現售: HK$88.35 節省: HK$4.65

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製造商: In Easy Steps Limited
出版日期: 2020/03/31
頁數: 108
ISBN: 9781840788839
>> 相關實體書

100 Top Tips - Create Great Photos Using Your Smartphone contains tips covering all aspects of capturing, displaying and sharing photos on your phone. These include:Finding and using your phone's camera settings so you can set up the camera exactly as you wantUsing basic techniques that can instantly help you capture stunning photosLooking at ways to improve the composition of your photosUtilizing lighting conditions to get the best photosCreating stunning portraits of family and friendsReleasing your artistic side with a range of creative optionsViewing buildings and architecture in a new way, to get the most effective photosCapturing iconic shots of famous landmarksEditing photos on your phone and also downloading them to a computer for more sophisticated editing to make them stand out from the crowdMaking sure your photos are safely backed up for safe keeping and sharing them with family and friendsWhether you've got an iPhone, an Android phone, or other smartphone, 100 Top Tips - Create Great Photos Using Your Smartphone will show you how to achieve expertly-produced photos to impress your friends and family. Discover easy tricks to create great photos of people, wildlife, iconic buildings, famous sites, and much, much more - all in easy steps!
Nick Vandome 作者作品表

Windows 11 for Seniors in Easy Steps: Covers the Windows 11 2024 Update (2nd ed.) (Paperback)

iPad for Seniors in Easy Steps: Covers All Models with Ipados 18 (14th ed.) (Paperback)

iPhone for Seniors in Easy Steps: For All Models of iPhone with IOS 18 (11th ed.) (Paperback)

Windows 11 in Easy Steps: Covers the Windows 11 2024 Update (2nd ed.) (Paperback)

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Android Phones for Seniors in easy steps: Illustrated using Android 13 (4 ed) (Paperback)

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eBook: Lightroom in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

eBook: iPad for Seniors in easy steps, 13th edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 10th edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Windows 11 Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts in easy steps (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: iPad for Seniors in easy steps, 12th edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 9th edition (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Laptops for Seniors in easy steps, 8th edition (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 8th edition (DRM EPUB)

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