eBook: Netball: Skills. Techniques. Tactics (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Anita Navin 
分類: Sports & outdoor recreation ,
Basketball ,
書城編號: 21924153

售價: $104.00

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製造商: Crowood
出版日期: 2012/12/21
頁數: 112
ISBN: 9781847975034
>> 相關實體書

Crowood Sports Guides provide sound, practical advice that will make you a better player whether you are learning the basic skills, discovering more advanced techniques or reviewing the fundamentals of your sport.Featured in Netball - Skills.Techniques.Tactics are: Information boxes containing Top Tips and Key Points for the coach and player; Sequence photographs and detailed diagrams in colour; An introduction to the history and rules of the game, and equipment; Detailed analysis of both movement and individual netball skills; Reviews of tactics and game principles in attack and defence; Guidelines to support coaches and players prior to competitions; An examination of match analysis methods; Supporting information and advice on effective coaching behaviour, training principles and methods, nutriiton and sport psychology. This book will provide a key learning resource for intermediate netball players and coaches. Gives a thorough review of the technical skills and tactical approaches utilised in the modern game.Coaching points, common errors and key points to remember when practicing the skills are documented.Superbly illustrated with 88 colour photographs and 51 colour drawings.Anita Navin has been involved in England Netball for over twenty-five years as a player, coach, tutor, technical writer and scout.Another title in the successful Crowood Sports Guide series.
Anita Navin 作者作品表

Coaching Youth Netball (Paperback)

eBook: Coaching Youth Netball: An Essential Guide for Coaches, Parents and Teachers (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Netball Practices and Training (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Netball: Skills. Techniques. Tactics (DRM EPUB)

Practical Guide for Players and Coaches Netball Practices an (Paperback)

eBook: Sports Coaching: A Reference Guide for Students, Coaches and Competitors (DRM EPUB)

Sports Coaching (Paperback)

Netball (Paperback)

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