Brain Boost Diet Plan (Paperback)
作者: Christine Bailey 
分類: Diets & dieting  
書城編號: 1319153

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Watkins Publishing
出版日期: 2018/01/16
尺寸: 216x182x17mm
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9781848993396
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Use the power of food to optimize your brain health, boost your memory, and prevent cognitive decline through a revolutionary four-week diet plan

What you fuel your body with is at the core of your health and this is even more true with the brain. Eat the right foods and you can profoundly affect your cognitive function now and in the future. The Brain Boost Diet Plan is a four-week diet to cleanse and renew your brain.

The latest research now clearly indicates the incredible importance that diet plays in reducing the risk of conditions such as cognitive decline, mood disorders, Alzheimer's and depression. The Brain Boost Diet Plan addresses underlying imbalances in the body and brain that contribute to these conditions, such as inflammation, glycation, fatty acid imbalances, poor methylation and low nutritional status. These are highly technical dietary functions which expert nutritionist Christine Bailey is able to speak to both authoritatively and in a way that makes them understood by all.

With a focus on beneficial fats and nutrient-dense everyday foods, the plan is made up of 100 delicious, easy recipes that are low in sugar, gluten-free and packed with nutrients designed to optimize brain health and function. It's a delicious way to cleanse your brain of imbalances and nourish, energize and heal your brain for a sharper, calmer, healthier you.

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