Star System (Paperback)
作者: Paul McDonald 
分類: Films, cinema ,
Cinema industry ,
書城編號: 591192

原價: HK$252.00
現售: HK$239.4 節省: HK$12.6

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出版社: Wallflower Press
出版日期: 2000/09/26
尺寸: 196x150x10mm
重量: 227 grams
ISBN: 9781903364024
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Looks at the development and changing organization of the star system in the American film industry. Tracing the popularity of star performers from the early "cinema of attractions" to the Internet universe, Paul McDonald explores the ways in which Hollywood has made and sold its stars. Through focusing on particular historical periods, case studies of Mary Pickford, Bette Davis, James Cagney, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, and Will Smith illustrate the key conditions influencing the star system in silent cinema, the studio era and the New Hollywood.
Paul McDonald 作者作品表

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60 Poems (Paperback)

Innocent Girls: Sakura Bianchi - Book 2 (Paperback)

Don't Use The Phone: What Poets Can Learn From Books (Paperback)

Innocent Assassin: Sakura Bianchi Book 1 (Paperback)

eBook: Routledge Companion to Media Industries (DRM PDF)

eBook: Routledge Companion to Media Industries (DRM EPUB)

Allen Ginsberg: Cosmopolitan Comic (Paperback)

Ladies of Lascaris (Paperback)

George Clooney (Paperback)

Ladies of Lascaris (Hardcover)

Lydia Davis: A Study (Paperback)

The Enigmas of Confinement: A History and Poetics of Flash Fiction (Paperback)

Malta's Greater Siege (Hardcover)

eBook: Malta's Greater Siege & Adrian Warburton DSO* DFC** DFC (USA) (DRM EPUB)

Hollywood and the Law (Paperback)

Channel 4 and British Film Culture (Paperback)

Storytelling: Narratology for Critics and Creative Writers (Paperback)

Hollywood Stardom (Paperback)

eBook: Hollywood Stardom (DRM PDF)

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