eBook: Smoke (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Berger, Selcuk Demirel 
分類: The arts: general issues ,
Literary essays  
書城編號: 21957896

售價: $108.00

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製造商: Notting Hill Editions
出版日期: 2017/03/21
頁數: 72
ISBN: 9781910749876
>> 相關實體書

John Berger, art critic, novelist and long-time smoker, joins forces again with Turkish illustrator Selcuk Demirel. This charming pictorial essay reflects on the cultural implications of smoking and suggests, through a series of brilliantly inventive illustrations, that society's attitudes to smoking are paradoxical.
John Berger 作者作品表

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Permanent Red: Essays in Seeing (Paperback)

Bento's Sketchbook (Paperback)

Over to You: Letters Between a Father and Son (Hardcover)

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The Foot of Clive (Main - Canons) (Paperback)

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What Time Is It? (Hardcover)

Landscapes (Paperback)

Smoke (Hardcover)

Red Tenda of Bologna (Paperback)

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Portraits (Paperback)

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