Inflammation, Infection, and Microbiome in Cancers: Evidence, Mechanisms, and Implications (2021) (Hardcover)
作者: Jun Sun 
書城編號: 19008529

售價: $1700.00

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出版社: Springer Verlag Gmbh
出版日期: 2021/04/21
重量: 0.9 kg
ISBN: 9783030679507
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This book offers a summary and discussion of the advances of inflammation and infection in various cancers. The authors cover the classically known virus infections in cancer, novel roles of other pathogens (e.g. bacteria and fungi), as well as biomarkers for diagnosis and therapy. Further, the chapters highlight the progress of immune therapy, stem cells and the role of the microbiome in the pathophysiology of cancers.

Readers will gain insights into complex microbial communities, that inhabit most external human surfaces and play a key role in health and disease. Perturbations of host-microbe interactions often lead to altered host responses that can promote cancer development. Thus, this book highlights emerging roles of the microbiome in pathogenesis of cancers and outcome of therapy. The focus is on mechanistic concepts that underlie the complex relationships between host and microbes. Approaches that can inhibit infection, suppress chronic inflammation and reverse the dysbiosis are discussed, as a means for restoring the balance between host and microbes.

This comprehensive work will be beneficial to researchers and students interested in infectious diseases, microbiome, and cancer as well as clinicians and general physiologists.

Jun Sun 作者作品表

eBook: Inflammation, Infection, and Microbiome in Cancers: Evidence, Mechanisms, and Implications (DRM PDF)

eBook: Inflammation, Infection, and Microbiome in Cancers: Evidence, Mechanisms, and Implications (DRM EPUB)

The Microbiome in Health and Disease (Hardcover)

eBook: Microbiome in Health and Disease (DRM PDF)

eBook: Microbiome in Health and Disease (DRM EPUB)

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