Investigating Specialized Discourse: Third Revised Edition (0003Revised) (Paperback)
作者: Maurizio Gotti 
分類: linguistics ,
Speaking / pronunciation skills ,
Literary studies: from c 1900 -  
書城編號: 15414042

售價: $623.00

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出版社: Paperbackshop Uk Import
出版日期: 2011/04/27
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9783034306706
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Investigating Specialized Discourse is a shortened and revised textbook edition of the monograph Specialized Discourse (2003). This book analyses the various features of specialized discourse in order to assess its degree of specificity and diversification, as compared to general language. Prior to any analysis of such traits, the notion of specialized discourse and its distinctive properties are clarified. The presence of such properties is accounted for not only in linguistic but also in pragmatic terms since the approach is interpretative rather than merely descriptive. Indeed, the complexity of this discourse calls for a multidimensional analysis, covering both lexis and morpho-syntax as well as textual patterning. Some lexical aspects, morpho-syntactic features and textual genres are also examined from a diachronic perspective, thus showing how various conventions concerning specialized discourse have developed over the last centuries.
Maurizio Gotti 作者作品表

Las Construcciones Suspendidas En Español: Un Paradigma En Gramática del Discurso (Hardcover)

A Linguistic Insight Into Legislative Drafting: Tradition and Change in the UK Legislation (Hardcover)

Alle Radici Della Fraseologia Europea (Hardcover)

Probabilistic Variability in Clausal Verb Complementation in World Englishes (Hardcover)

Stance Devices in Tourism-Related Research Articles: A Corpus-Based Study (Hardcover)

eBook: Language of Thieves and Vagabonds: 17th and 18th Century Canting Lexicography in England (DRM PDF)

eBook: Investigating Specialized Discourse: Third Revised Edition (DRM PDF)

Variation in Central Modals (Paperback)

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