eBook: Empirical Evidence for the Consciousness Field in Phenomenological Structuralism: The Garyian Equation, Psychonic Wave, and Life after Life (DR
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Paul C Mocombe 
系列: World Philosophy
分類: Social theory  
書城編號: 28917251

售價: $1235.00

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製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2024/08/22
頁數: 141
ISBN: 9798895300121
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This book explores the empirical evidence for Mocombe's consciousness field theory, which describes the origins and nature of consciousness in the universe/multiverse in his overall structurationist theory of phenomenological structuralism. Mocombe utilizes a logical metaphysical materialist approach to understanding the ontological question regarding the nature and origins of consciousness in the universe/multiverse. The work argues that the consciousness field emanates from an emerging fifth force of nature, the absolute vacuum, which constitutes and reproduces human consciousness and practical activities in the multiverse as a frequency wavelength. The work offers three pieces of empirical evidence for Mocombe's consciousness field theory: the Garyian equation, psychonic wave, and life after life. In the end, the book contextualizes the aforementioned evidence within Mocombe's larger theory of phenomenological structuralism, which offers a resolution to the structure/agency problematic of the social sciences. The work concludes by applying Mocombe's phenomenological structural theory to understanding the constitution of contemporary neoliberal identity capitalism under American hegemony from the consciousness field to societal organization and reproduction.
World Philosophy

eBook: Empirical Evidence for the Consciousness Field in Phenomenological Structuralism: The Garyian Equation, Psychonic Wave, and Life after Life (DR

Empirical Evidence for the Consciousness Field in Phenomenological Structuralism: The Garyian Equation, Psychonic Wave, and Life after Life (Paperback

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Paul C Mocombe 作者作品表

eBook: Empirical Evidence for the Consciousness Field in Phenomenological Structuralism: The Garyian Equation, Psychonic Wave, and Life after Life (DR

Empirical Evidence for the Consciousness Field in Phenomenological Structuralism: The Garyian Equation, Psychonic Wave, and Life after Life (Paperback

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