Bloomsbury Business
共有 5 項

The Fall of the Human Empire: Memoirs of a Robot (hardcover)

Charles-Edouard Bouee, Bloomsbury Business, 出版日期: 2020/01/07
現售: HK$238
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

The Social CEO: How Social Media Can Make You a Stronger Leader (hardcover)

Damian Corbet, Bloomsbury Business, 出版日期: 2020/01/07
原價: HK$280.00 現售: HK$266
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Influence: How Social Media Influencers Are Shaping Our Digital Future (hardcover)

Sara McCorquodale, Bloomsbury Business, 出版日期: 2020/01/07
原價: HK$300.00 現售: HK$285
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Align: A Leadership Blueprint for Aligning Enterprise Purpose, Strategy and Organisation (hardcover)

Jonathan Trevor, Bloomsbury Business, 出版日期: 2020/01/07
現售: HK$280
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Just Ask: Embrace the Power of Your Network to Transform Your Life at Work and Home (hardcover)

Andy Lopata, Bloomsbury Business, 出版日期: 1920/01/14
現售: HK$325

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