Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development
共有 33 項, 本頁顯示 1-30 項

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Questioning for Classroom Discussion: Purposeful Speaking, Engaged Listening, Deep Thinking (paperback)

Jackie A. Walsh, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2015/11/16
原價: HK$300.00 現售: HK$285
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

When Teaching Gets Tough: Smart Ways to Reclaim Your Game (paperback)

Allen N. Mendler, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2012/04/02
現售: HK$270
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement (paperback)

Ceri B. Dean, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2012/01/15
現售: HK$310
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Where Great Teaching Begins: Planning for Student Thinking and Learning (paperback)

Anne R. Reeves, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/11/09
原價: HK$300.00 現售: HK$285
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Creating the Opportunity to Learn: Moving from Research to Practice to Close the Achievement Gap (paperback)

A. Wade Boykin, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/09/22
原價: HK$320.00 現售: HK$304
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner (paperback)

Persida Himmele, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/07/14
原價: HK$250.00 現售: HK$237.5

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Understanding Common Core Standards (paperback)

John Kendall, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/07/01
原價: HK$140.00 現售: HK$133
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching (paperback)

Robert J. Marzano, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/05/09
原價: HK$320.00 現售: HK$304

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The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units (paperback)

Grant P. Wiggins, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/03/11
原價: HK$300.00 現售: HK$285
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Transformative Assessment in Action: An Inside Look at Applying the Process (Paperback)

W. James Popham, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/03/07
現售: HK$307

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Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning (paperback)

Michael J. Schmoker, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2011/01/13
原價: HK$280.00 現售: HK$266

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Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom (paperback)

Carol Ann Tomlinson, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2010/11/16
原價: HK$310.00 現售: HK$294.5

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Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World (paperback)

Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2010/01/01
原價: HK$290.00 現售: HK$275.5
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Implementing the Framework for Teaching in Enhancing Professional Practice (paperback)

Charlotte Danielson, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2009/12/15
原價: HK$890.00 現售: HK$845.5
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Teaching with Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does to Kids' Brains and What Schools Can Do about It (paperback)

Eric Jensen, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2009/11/19
現售: HK$349

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Becoming a Great High School: 6 Strategies and 1 Attitude That Make a Difference (Paperback)

Tim R. Westerberg, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2009/09/15
現售: HK$265

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A Handbook for the Art and Science of Teaching (paperback)

Robert J. Marzano, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2009/06/10
原價: HK$300.00 現售: HK$285

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Never Work Harder Than Your Students & Other Principles of Great Teaching (paperback)

Robyn Renee Jackson, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2009/01/02
原價: HK$270.00 現售: HK$256.5

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A Teacher's Guide to Multisensory Learning: Improving Literacy by Engaging the Senses (Paperback)

Lawrence Baines, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2008/10/15
現售: HK$321

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How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students (paperback)

Susan M. Brookhart, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2008/09/15
原價: HK$200.00 現售: HK$190

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The Handbook for Enhancing Professional Practice: Using the Framework for Teaching in Your School (paperback)

Charlotte Danielson, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2008/09/15
原價: HK$280.00 現售: HK$266

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Detracking for Excellence and Equity (Paperback)

Carol Corbett Burris, Delia T. Garrity, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2008/08/15
現售: HK$307

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Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility (paperback)

Douglas Fisher, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2008/02/02
原價: HK$240.00 現售: HK$228

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The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction (paperback)

Robert J. Marzano, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2007/07/15
原價: HK$270.00 現售: HK$256.5

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Leading Effective Meetings, Teams, and Work Groups in Districts and Schools (Paperback)

Matthew Jennings, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2007/06/15
現售: HK$321

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Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching (paperback)

Charlotte Danielson, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2007/03/01
原價: HK$360.00 現售: HK$342

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Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design: Connecting Content and Kids (paperback)

Carol A. Tomlinson, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2006/01/15
原價: HK$300.00 現售: HK$285
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual (Teacher's Manual) (paperback)

Robert J. Marzano, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2005/07/15
原價: HK$320.00 現售: HK$304
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Understanding by Design (paperback)

Grant P. Wiggins, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2005/03/15
原價: HK$440.00 現售: HK$418
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher (paperback)

Robert J. Marzano, Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 出版日期: 2003/10/01
原價: HK$290.00 現售: HK$275.5
購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

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